
ZEISS Myopia Management

ZEISS Myopia Management
A better outlook on life.

Surveys have shown that 65% of Singapore students suffered from myopia by the age of 12 years, which is considered as a very high myopia rate.

People with high myopia (-6.00 diopters or more) might have higher risk of eye problems, such as retina detachment or other conditions that might lead to permanent vision loss.

Our first age-related myopia management portfolio with lens designs aimed to slow down the progression of myopia. MyoCare is backed by ZEISS innovation and more than a decade of experience in developing lenses to manage myopia progression.

How can we manage myopia progression in children?

There are multiple options for treating myopia progression in kids. Speak with our professionals in choosing the option that suits the needs & lifestyle of your child.

Let’s talk about how to manage myopia with eyeglasses.

ZEISS MyoVision Pro lenses are the next generation of our single vision lenses with a specific myopia management design for children between the ages of 6 and 12.

It is specially designed for children with myopia which is based on one of the leading scientific approaches for managing the progression of myopia – Peripheral Defocus Management.

The edge of the lens is responsible for controlling myopia, while the area in the centre of the lenses corrects the child’s myopia and ensures clear distance vision.

ZEISS MyoKids lenses make use of accommodative lag management to tackle myopia.

Similar to progressive lenses, the top of the lens provides clear distance vision while the bottom active zone supports near reading tasks at the same time.


Our complete age-related, myopia management portfolio

consists of 2 lens designs.

ZEISS MyoCare lenses

Recommended for children younger than 10 years. Incorporating

  1. Cylindrical Annular Refractive Elements, C.A.R.E.® technology – aimed to deliver a “stop signal” to slow down progression of axial elongation. It consists of alternating defocus and correction zones in a ring-like pattern on the front surface, expanding towards the periphery of the lens.
  2. ZEISS ClearFocus design – aimed to remove the “growth signal”, the optimised back surface delivers the refractive correction as well as intended myopic defocus of the patient for all gaze directions.
  • Central clear zone of 7mm
  • Mean additional surface power of +4.6D
  • Fill factor of 0.5

ZEISS MyoCare S lenses

Recommended for children 10 years and older. Incorporating:

  1. Cylindrical Annular Refractive Elements, C.A.R.E.® technology – aimed to deliver a “stop signal” to slow down progression of axial elongation. It consists of alternating defocus and correction zones in a ring-like pattern on the front surface, expanding towards the periphery of the lens.
  2. ZEISS ClearFocus design – aimed to remove the “growth signal”, the optimised back surface delivers the refractive correction as well as intended myopic defocus of the patient for all gaze directions.  
  • Central clear zone of 9mm
  • Mean additional surface power of +3.8D
  • Fill factor of 0.5

Why MyoCare® lenses should be your choice.

Vision as good as with single vision lenses.


With a lens that is effective in managing myopia progression
in children, it makes sense to also look at the comfort and
vision experienced by the wearer.
This is why the voices of the children are important.

98% of children claimed that their distance and near vision
is very good when wearing ZEISS MyoCare designs,
and 100% of children adapted to the lenses within one day.

Fun should never be restricted for kids! When wearing ZEISS MyoCare
lenses children can still enjoy activities such as reading, outdoor play and sports.
With MyoCare, you can provide your young patients with the best care.

One problem – many solutions.

Optical, medical and behavioural treatments.


Because of its multifactorial causes, there’s no one-and-only treatment for myopia. In fact,
there are many treatment options on the market including optical, medical and behavioural treatments.

The choice of myopia treatments for children should be based on the age of onset, and axial length or
refraction at a given age, along with knowledge of their individual rate of progression and overall risk profile.

Comprehensive myopia treatments include a combination of lifestyle advice, a refractive correction method
for full-time use, and myopia control methods to reduce or eliminate further progression.

Bring your child to our stores for a comprehensive eye examination today!

1. Holden BA, Fricke TR, Wilson DA, Jong M, Naidoo KS, Sankaridurg P, Wong TY, Naduvilath TJ, Resnikoff S, Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050, Ophthalmology. 2016;123(5):1036–1042.

2. Chen M, Wu A, Zhang L, et al. The increasing prevalence of myopia and high myopia among high school students in Fenghua city, eastern China: a 15-year population-based survey. BMC Ophthalmol. 2018;18(1):159. doi: 10.1186/s12886-018-0829-8.

3. Xiong S, Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath T, Zang J, Zou H, Zhu J, Lv M, He X, Xu X. Time spent in outdoor activities in relation to myopia prevention and control: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Acta Ophthalmol. 2017; 9 5 ( 6 ):551- 5 6 6 . d o i: 10 .1111/ a o s .13 4 0 3.

4. Two-year prospective, double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial lead by Wenzhou Medical University Eye Hospital, China, 2021, on 78 myopic children wearing ZEISS MyoCare Rx lenses, 72 myopic children wearing ZEISS MyoCare S Rx lenses and 76 myopic children wearing ZEISS Single Vision lenses for 12 months. Unpublished results.